2011 – 2015 Dep Bn COM MnEngrBn 8
2016 – 2018 EXO Director of Management
2018 – 2020 MILENG Chief Ops
Since 2020 Senior Officer Concept & Doctrine, Custodian AJP-3.12
Military Engineering (MILENG) is described as an inherent aspect of every joint function, at all levels of command, in any mission, campaign or operation, and in all phases. It achieves the desired objectives by enabling or preventing manoeuvre or mobility, and developing, maintaining, and improving infrastructure. MILENG incorporates areas of expertise such as engineering, Explosives Ordnance Disposal, Environmental Protection (EP), military search, and management of infrastructure, including contracted civil engineering. MILENG also makes a significant contribution to Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED), protecting the force; and providing life support.
This short article will focus on ‘Vertical Manoeuvre’ within Mountain Warfare, thus focusing on MILENG support at a very tactical level. Although MILENG provides a significant contribution at all levels, in any mission or operation the core areas of MILENG support vary with regard to the land tactical operation in the specific environment. This article will provide the reader with information related to MILENG ‘as function’, its planning, execution and capabilities in support of ‘Vertical Manoeuvre’ in Mountain Warfare.
This figure draws the three MILENG pillars: enable/prevent manoeuvre, support to survivability, and develop/ maintain Infra.
The basic principles of mountain warfare are subject to the mountainous conditions, such as limited manoeuvre, canalized movements, the advantage of altitude domain points, or high demands on logistics. These basic principles are applicable to all services, and also to the adversary.
As MILENG is an enabler for mobility and provides a significant portion of survivability, MILENG support to vertical manoeuvre is imperative. To achieve the best effects on MILENG support within the areas of expertise, early involvement in the planning of land tactical operations in a mountainous environment is crucial. The Chief MILENG (CMILENG) provides advice to the commander during all the phases of an operation. With his MILENG staff already integrated at the planning process of an operation, various COAs can be supported by the appropriate MILENG activities to achieve the anticipated effects. As stated, early engagement in the planning phase is vital due to time intensive engineering support such as pathways improvement, gap crossing (mainly dry gaps such as gorges), mitigating natural hazards, or conducting breaching activities to support the mobility of own troops. This also applies to activities facilitating logistic support to improve sustainment and survivability.
Mobile cable cars or ropeways require decent planning and construction of them is time-intensive, but these assets can be a beneficial part of the logistics chain in close cooperation with pack animals and supply by helicopter. Up to 400 kg of food, water, ammunition, or other required equipment can be moved by these cable cars. Once established, cable cars are capable of connecting supply points to ensure constant and adequate supply. It is obvious that the reconnaissance, building and installation of a cable car postulates adequate planning and timing. The installation and operation of such assets also needs (mountain) engineers to execute and maintain them.
This article describes briefly how MILENG support to vertical manoeuvre in mountainous environment should be planned, operated, and executed. The key factors are the early engagement of MILENG advice, already in the planning cycle of an operation. MILENG staff should be established at all levels of command from the operational to the tactical level. MILENG support also requires consideration of sufficient time to prepare and to execute MILENG activities to achieve the desired objectives.